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Child Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Bedminster, New Jersey

Lawyer representing Children of sex Abuse in Somerset County, New Jersey

A child left in the care of an adult, whether a close friend, a relative, or a company providing care, must be held accountable if your child is sexually abused. New Jersey has a statute specifically to address sexual abuse of a child when left in the care of another, NJ Statue – N.J. STAT. ANN. Sec. 2A:61B-1.

What should we know

  • Sexual assaults typically occur at the hands of a person we know and trust.
  • The sexual assaults are committed by individuals we see every day, we call friends or family.
  • The predators can be coaches, co-workers, daycare employees, teachers, counselors or service providers.
  • The horrible incidents commonly occur at schools, daycares, businesses, shopping mall, hotel, nightclub or other public venue, such as children’s organizations, church, and organized sporting activities.

Many times, the people in charge or the organization fails to protect our children from sexual molestation or abuse. Neglectful or a failure to conduct a proper background check can result in the hiring of a sexual predator. The result is devastating and long lasting emotional harm. Mark | Lavigne, LLC is here to help victims of sexual abuse get justice, to make the abuser pay, make sure this doesn’t happen to another, and seek compensation for you and your family.

A company or organization that hires or accepts volunteers must due its due diligence to make sure that they are not a danger to children. Some of the common approaches to making sure employees or volunteers are not a threat to children include

  • Failure to conduct an investigation of the person’s background
  • Failure to prevent a known abuser from having interaction with children or other potential victims
  • Failure to provide security measures, including adequate lighting and sufficient personnel

When a sexual attack happens in a public place, the owners have a duty to provide a reasonable level of security, especially when the public place is a known location of danger. The owner is required, by law, to take adequate measures to help ensure a safe environment, and if they fail to do so, the owner may be held liable for negligence and pay money damages to you and your loved ones.

Contact Us Now For Your Immediate and Free Consultation

Call Mark | Lavigne, LLC to speak to its team at 908-460-8996 or contact us by filing out the information in the contact us page of this website. Call us to discuss your case during your free consultation.

At Mark | Lavigne, LLC, we understand how devastating an injury can be to you and your family. Mark | Lavigne, LLC team will listen to you, and we are dedicated to our injured clients. Call for your confidential consultation today.

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